Rivals #1


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RIVALS is FINAL IMPACT COMICS debut title.  Tensions mount and old wounds open as the planet of the RIVALS decends into chaos. The adventures of SAGO ASTAR begin here in this introductory issue.  With first appearances from Sword Dorn, Sword Maebure, a young Sago and the Ghost Storms.  Witness the beginning of the RIVALS world in this very special prologue one shot and Making of the Rivals Universe.

Set on the planet ALTER. A dark fantasy world with post-apocalyptic overtones, the story revolves around the character Sago Astar – a fight trainer and guard to the leader of Jaan City, Sword Dorn Haath. Though it is a fortified emporium and the one true stronghold on planet Alter, Jaan City is under constant threat from the leaders of the planet’s other six large cities, including the Gokin – a biomechanical and weapon-fused race.  The Dark Mizus and the Iron Head Clan amongst many other horrors. Rivals is a new action-packed and epic saga to rival all others.  Prepare for war and adventure, for it is coming in droves.

Four years in the making. Created by Movie artist Paul Gerrard ( Hellboy, D&D, TMNT, Indy 5, Shannara) and Writer/Director Mike Clarke (Karli). 

RIVALS #1 Is a 32 page introductory one shot COMIC . A prologue to one of greatest series every developed (coming early 2022).  It includes a 15 page story illustrated by Dave Kendall (2000AD) called 'The Hands of the Ghosts' plus a stunning MAKE OF THE RIVALS UNIVERSE featurette.  World info, bios, concept art and character design.

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