Comics Rebubbled


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Regular price $14.50 USD
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A hilarious new comic book using 1950’s and 1960’s comics, repurposed and rebubbled with completely ridiculous stories.

Thrill to the story of superhero Scott Gigawatt who defeats the forces of evil by singing uncool Country and Western songs which cause his enemies to explode.

Root for Captain Covid, the world’s first socially-distanced detective as he tries to save the world from a new lethal variant of Covid by running around punching people in the face.

Read about Laverne, the good blonde gone bad as she ditches her sleazy-rider boyfriend Brandon and upgrades to a handsome but boring shaman in a polo-neck sweater.

Watch as Frank and Gina move into their new house which is haunted by the spirits of ancient Native American Indians.

They are transported back in time only to discover, to their horror, that in the 18th century there’s no 5G phone coverage.

Comics Rebubbled is new, it’s different, it’s irreverent and it’s funny, and the first edition is out NOW!

  • Ships within two days of release
  • Biodegradable and recyclable packaging
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