Atomic Comic


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Atomic celebrates 35 years since first being published in 1987 and 30 years since it ended in 1992.  The NEW Atomic Comic is 52+ A4 pages featuring all new strips you are likely to see as part of our future Saturday Comic Box titles (there will be 12 to collect).

This is the first anthology special with strips that will not appear in future titles but will give you a flavour of the range and quality of what's to come in the comics and specials. 

'The Negotiator' by Diego Guerra that could be from the pages of our crime comic 'Outlaws'

The Negotiator

'Special Delivery' by Peter Gouldson and Rebecca Elise would sit nicely in our horror comic 'Screech'.

Special Delvery

'Nightcowl' by Richard Carrington and Brian S, Dawson, creators of Mahoney's, from the pages of superhero title 'Hero 86'


'Back From The Beyond' by Christoff Rdgz and Igor Chakal is explosive war action from the pages of 'Ballistic'

Back From The Beyond

'Finish Lines' by Ben Humeniuk would be a comfortable fit in love and romance comic 'Emoji', girls comic 'Emily', or manga title 'Tokoyo'.

Finish Lines

Peter Gouldson and Phil Elliot serve up a piece of Sci Fi tales that wouldn't be out of place in our sci-fi title 'Quantum'.

TV Dinners

It would be a difficult choice to decide if 'A Thousand Suns' by Kevin Gunstone and Chris Geary should be in the pages of boys title 'Falcon' or magic and fantasy title 'Flame'.

A Thousand Suns

If we reach our goal we will add more strips - the first being 2000ADs Stewart Kenneth Moore's 4 pager Whaddaya Mean There's No More Goddam Rice?

 You can also get the Best of Indies Scottish Special (in print) and the Summer Special (in digital) with this project. There is also the option to get all ComicScene publications in digital too!

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