Shift Presents... Sex, Spies and Rock 'n' Roll

The Shift Anthology Shop

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SHIFT is VERY pleased to launch our all-new ongoing series, featuring an amazing array of spy stories!

Each issue has it's own playlist to listen along while reading - and here's the first one!

Off the back of several hugely successful crowd-funded releases, Mixtape Comics and SHIFT bring you an ongoing anthology featuring fantastic creators and amazing stories - these are wildly fun spy adventures, set mostly in and around the 1980s (but spanning over half a century’s worth of history and plots that all blend together into one massive tale.

Written and created by Jeff Messer - author of Shift Presents Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood.

The 1980s are the perfect era of spy stories. The Cold War was at its hottest, the fashion was loud, the music was louder, and the spies of these tales are young, hip, and sexually charged!

The main stories revolve around Cassi Storm, a young woman who finds herself becoming one of the world’s foremost secret agents, along with her lover, and his best friend. It spreads to their friends and families, and the intricate knots of intrigue and conspiracy that bind them all together.


  • Ships within two days of release
  • Biodegradable and recyclable packaging
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