Copyright Info

This is an overview of the copyright information for stories that have appeared or will appear in SHIFT

TERMINAL CITY ™ © 1996, 1997, 1999, 2012, 2016, 2022 Dean Motter. Terminal City and all characters featured herein are trademarks of Dean Motter. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission of Dark Horse Comics LLC.

ELENA DIVINITY RISING is © 2022 Darren Pearce and Stuart Jennett

ELEPHANTMEN is ™ & © 2022 Richard Starkings

TO THE DEATH is ™ & © 2020 Simon Furman and Geoff Senior.

PILGRIM is ™ & © 2023 B7 Comics


All other contents and properties, SHIFT name and logo are copyright Shift Publishing Ltd.


The characters, events and stories in the publication are entirely fictional, unless otherwise stated. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, none of the contents may be reprinted without the permission of the respective copyright holder. Requests for permission should be addressed to, and will be passed on.